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Lisa Robertson teaches screen acting privately for actors.

Private On-Camera Technique Coaching


Work privately on-camera with Lisa.  Hone and explore on-camera auditioning skills: physicality, size, relaxation, emotionality, creative choice and the technical demands of the audition camera. 


Free your auditioning skills with a highly personalized 10-hour Private Coaching and Taping Block that can be used in any increment for up to one year.


The block is designed to offer a substantial savings for 10 hours of coaching that can be used for “Engaging The Camera” audition technique – a program where Lisa targets killer sides for the actor to explore that speak to the kinds of roles they wish to book.


Each side-set is coached and taped (if needed, multiple times) until the actor feels a freedom on-camera and the demands of the material are met.  For the working, professional actor, this means an in-depth analysis by Lisa as to the (often subtle) adjustments needed that can make the difference in testing and booking.  For the actor newer to on-camera work, technique and confidence are built.  


The tapes can also be used by the actor's reps for casting purposes.  The tapes have proved extremely helpful career-wise to date! – in opening up casting opportunities.


For actors seeking representation, the tapes have proved instrumental in securing managers and agents.* 

The hours of the block can also be used for audition and role coaching - and, for Self-Tapes requested by casting.


For more information CONTACT US.


*Please note: LRS does not offer any introduction service to representation or casting.


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